Theme Documentation

Use the instructions contained herein to build out your awesome websites with our NationBuilder Mega-Theme & Custom Themes.

Sidebar Signup Form

If your site has a PagesDefaultsPrimary signup page assigned, the sidebar will include a signup form [shown below].

  • This signup form’s headline will populate from the Site settingsHeadline field, unless that field is blank. In that case, it will be populated by your site’s primary signup page’s SettingsHeadline field.
  • This signup form’s subheadline will populate from the Site settingsSubheadline field, unless that field is blank. In that case, it will populate from your site’s primary signup page’s SettingsSocial mediaExcerpt for Facebook, search engines field.


Only read this if you're wondering why a page has a big empty space where the sidebar should be (this is rare - the vast majority of people can ignore this):

If your site does not have a primary signup page, the sidebar signup form will not appear and will be replaced by a bigger Facebook or Twitter widget, assuming your nation is connected to Facebook or Twitter. If your site

  • is not connected to Facebook or Twitter and
  • doesn't have a primary signup page and
  • the Supporter navReorder links is empty and
  • the page is not tagged layout sibling menu or it is but doesn't have any siblings/is an action page

there will simply be a big white space instead of a sidebar when a user is not logged in. In this case, it’s best to uncheck that page’s SettingsShow sidebar checkbox.