Theme Documentation

Use the instructions contained herein to build out your awesome websites with our NationBuilder Mega-Theme & Custom Themes.

Pre-filled Donation Amount URLs

Use the following instructions if you want to create links to your donation pages with pre-chosen amounts. For example, if you're running an email campaign where you have a button saying "Donate $250 Today!"

If you're using a native NationBuilder donation page (as opposed to linking out to an external processor):

The URL you'd use for that link would look like this (go ahead and click the link to test it out):

Generally, the format is as follows:

{{ your_donation_page_url }}?amount={{ pre_chosen_amount }}

NOTE: Don't include symbols ($£) or commas/periods in your {{ pre_chosen_amount }}.

Incorrect Examples$2,500€2.500

Correct Example

If you're using an external donation processor:

You can find your specific donation processor's pre-filled amount URL format in their help and support area.

Here's the information for Anedot and ActBlue.